
Corrupt: A short story about a girl who reveals a top secret psychological experiment.


Corrupt follows the story of Alice, a daughter of a high ranking Navy officer. When Alice was home from school one summer, two unknown uniformed officers unexpectedly paid her father a visit. Curious, Alice eavesdropped on their conversation. From what she hears, Alice identifies that these men were somehow involved in a secret experiment, but wasn’t able to retain any further details. Upon her return to school in the fall, she is presented with an opportunity to take part in the experiment first hand.


Photo Sequencing: The Inspiration behind Corrupt

This book was created as part of the Visual Sequencing course at Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design. To begin, students were tasked to pick one photo from a pile of several old black and white photographs. This was meant to be the catalyst for our short stories we would eventually write and design a book for. The photograph I picked is displayed on the left. A dark and eerie photo, one that holds a lot of tension. Who is this girl? Who is in the framed photograph on the end table? Why does the girl look so anxious? These are all questions that would help jumpstart the creative process.

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Next, I was tasked with deconstructing the photograph to explore potential narratives. I had two concepts in mind, a linear narrative, and an abstract narrative. The results of the abstract narrative led me to develop my story as a psychological thriller.

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EPiC Breezeway Redesign


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