Planet 8

The goal of this project was to design a movie poster for a movie concept that I conceived. The plot of the movie was entirely up to me, which gave me the ultimate creative freedom. Sometimes, it’s difficult to come up with ideas when you have absolutely no limitations. To outmaneuver any creative blocks, I used a noun-adjective matching strategy called ‘topic word association.’ The idea is to come up with a list of nouns and a list of adjectives while trying to brainstorm words that are naturally associated with each other. Then, match a noun with an adjective until I become inspired by a certain combination. I started with the first things that came to my mind, and let the words themselves dictate the direction of thought.


After compiling my list of nouns and verbs, I began matching different combinations. The duo that stuck out the most was ‘Windy Planet.’ Inspirited by the word mix and the outer-reaches of space, I looked up which planet in our solar system had the strongest winds. Neptune’s winds blow at an average 700 miles per hour and can reach speeds of up 1,500 miles per hour near the equator, making it the windiest planet in our solar system. To sell the idea of the movie, I came up with a quick 60 second elevator pitch.

Planet 8, Sci-fi

The year is 2250, Earth’s resources have become scarce, and supply doesn’t meet demand. A new source for steady energy is vital. At this point in time, space travel within our solar system is a norm. Neptune is the windiest planet in the solar system, and harvesting the wind energy there can save Earth. Creating an outpost to harvest this energy on a gas planet will be no easy feat, but will an extraterrestrial encounter help or haunt the endeavor?

With the theme of the movie determined, it was possible to begin designing the movie poster. The poster is meant to exist in a 16 x 24 inch space. The composition is made up of a portrait image of an astronaut adrift in outer-space above Neptune. In the background, a debris field rips apart above the astronaut, breaking outside of the frame of the composition. In the reflection of the visor, a hand reaches for a severed tether as it gets yanked away; a second astronaut strays away toward the windy planet.

Planet 8 Macbook Mockup.png


Vegas Strong

